Laughter Really IS the Best Medicine Jul 01, 2024

 Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang on a Minute! Series

Laughter Really IS the Best Medicine

"An optimist laughs to forget; a pessimist forgets to laugh." Tom Nansbury

When we were young, we laughed over 100 times a day. As adults, it is estimated that number has dropped to...

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How to Listen to Your Body's Wisdom Jun 27, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang on a Minute! Series

How to Listen to Your Body's Wisdom

Have you ever felt like you were living in your head? You're not alone. My career journey was marked by a series of intellectually stimulating jobs, each chosen to stretch my capabilities...

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How to Partner with Your Intuition Jun 24, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang on a Minute! Series

How to Partner with Your Intuition

Intuition is the unique ability to comprehend something instantly without conscious reasoning. It is often referred to as a “gut feeling,” an innate sense of knowing, even...

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How to Choose the Right Career Jun 21, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang on a Minute!

How to Choose the Right Career

Choosing a career that makes you happy will lead to a more fulfilling and rewarding life. Since we spend most of our time engaged in work, it's important to find something that brings us joy and a...

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How to Expose The Silent Time Thief Jun 19, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang on a Minute! Series

How to Expose the Silent Time Thief

I think it is safe to say that everyone procrastinates on something; however, when it becomes more of a habit than a one-off, it is time to look at it more closely. Procrastination at work...

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How You Can Find Peace Jun 17, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang on a Minute! Series

How You Can Find Peace

How was your day today? Was it better than yesterday? Have you learned more about yourself and how adept you are becoming at handling the uncertainty you are living in? Do you feel yourself growing in...

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How to Love Your Rituals! Jun 14, 2024


Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang on a Minute! Series

How to Love Your Rituals!

In his ground-breaking masterpiece, Atomic Habits, James Clear amazes us with a staggering revelation: an astounding 40 to 50% of our daily actions are governed by habits. Stop for a moment...

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How High Achievers Get a Top 10 Day Jun 12, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang on a Minute! Series

How High Achievers Get a Top 10 Day

Every morning gifts us with a fresh canvas, ready for us to paint our intentions for the day. #What masterpiece do you want to create today? A key tool is visualization. Visualize what...

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How to Remove Doubt and Achieve Confidence Jun 10, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang on a Minute! Series

How to Remove Doubt and Achieve Confidence

A mindset is a commitment. It’s a daily practice that sets the stage for how you are living your life. Every morning when you wake up, you’re at a crossroads. What is it...

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Intending Your Day Rather than Losing Track of It Jun 05, 2024


Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang on a Minute! Series

Intending Your Day Rather than Losing Track of It

Being intentional is a powerful way to cultivate a habit, as consciously directing our thoughts, actions, and choices towards a specific behavior increases the...

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How to Break Old Patterns and Embrace Change Jun 03, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang on a Minute! Series

How to Break Old Patterns and Embrace Change

Do you love the life that you're living right now? If not, the best way to get there is by changing what you are doing. What new habits do you need to create? Your first reaction...

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Stop Struggling with Imposter Syndrome and Believe in Yourself May 31, 2024


Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang on a Minute! Series

Stop Struggling with Imposter Syndrome and Believe in Yourself

Even people with successful careers and impressive achievements can struggle with feelings of not being good enough. Imposter syndrome, a psychological...

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