How High Achievers Get a Top 10 Day

Jun 12, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang on a Minute! Series

How High Achievers Get a Top 10 Day

Every morning gifts us with a fresh canvas, ready for us to paint our intentions for the day. #What masterpiece do you want to create today? A key tool is visualization. Visualize what you’d like to have happen and then in your mind, take a few minutes to lay out your day.


Close your eyes and project your ideal day. What meetings do you have planned? Who are you going to be meeting with? Who will you be working with? What would you like to accomplish? What are your wins? Be as detailed as you can get and paint your day as positively as possible.


But don’t just see it…feel it. Revel in the joy, pride and satisfaction that today’s successes will bring. Do your best to FEEL how you will feel during the day you’ve just created in your mind. To help remind you how you intend your day to unfold, here’s a fun exercise you can do at a moment’s notice and throughout your day.


Mary Morrissey, a Personal Development Expert and Author, teaches the Five Fingers Technique. Using the 5 fingers on your dominant hand and keeping in mind your visualization for your day, start with your thumb:

  • Thumbs up for the day. (Thumb)
  • Point in the direction you want to go. (Pointer finger)
  • Flip fear in the face. (Thumb and middle finger)
  • March forth. (Salute with all four fingers)
  • Remember to celebrate the little things. (Use all five fingers to wave enthusiastically)


Sacred Earth Science helps environmental stewards avoid burnout by teaching them tools and techniques that transform the way they do their vital work. Our tools and techniques integrate eastern, western and indigenous science and we support growth through our Next Level Coaching.