Miracles are All Around Us Nov 25, 2022

When growing up, I remember anticipating the monthly edition of Reader’s Digest so that I could read the True Story that was featured. The plot was usually painful, but the ending was stunning because it resulted in a miracle. Growing up, did you believe in miracles? Did any happen to you?...

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COP27 Insights? Nov 23, 2022

The Sharm El-Sheikh Climate Change Conference (COP27) just ended. Executive Secretary Simon Stiell cited the agreement on a new “Loss and Damage Fund” for vulnerable countries as a significant success. In addition, countries reaffirmed their commitment to limit global temperatures...

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Gratitude Nov 22, 2022

Many of us living in the United States will be observing Thanksgiving on Thursday. Looking back at a year of many challenges, how are you feeling about what the holiday signifies? Do you have an attitude of gratitude? Is that possible? Yes, it is, with a little practice. When you get out of bed,...

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American bison returning to the Plains Nov 21, 2022

American bison returning to the plains.

The American bison is sacred to Native Americans and was almost extirpated by European settlers in the mid to late 1800s due to overhunting and large-scale efforts to starve native people.  Efforts to restore bison herds to tribal communities received...

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Embracing Spirituality with a Scientific Mind Nov 15, 2022

Please join me at the North American Lake Management Society's Conference November 14-17 in Minneapolis, MN. I will be presenting at the conference on Thursday. Here's the abstract: Spirit gives us vision and values, while science gives us tools and technology. Many of us have lived our work...

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Listen! Do You Want to Know a Secret? Hack #2 Nov 01, 2022

Listen! Do You Want to Know a Secret?

Hack #2

Election Day is just one week away. Do you feel relieved that all the campaign advertising you seem to be bombarded with will soon be over? Each political party and their candidates claim they are on the side of truth. These days, it seems everyone...

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Give Yourself a Hand! Oct 27, 2022

Give Yourself a Hand!

Hack #1

 Every day we wake up, we have a blank slate. What is that you want to have happen today? What does success look like to you? A key tool is visualization. Visualize what you’d like to have happen and then in your mind, take a few minutes to lay out your...

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Open Minds Lead to Open Doors Oct 20, 2022

In this time of environmental crisis, many are turning towards natural science. Scientists use “scientific method,” which is based upon observation and hypothesis and is then tested. In an article in Bioneers’ report, Intelligence in Nature, Monica Gagliano, a research associate...

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Yes or No? Your Body Knows! Oct 17, 2022

Every day, we face dozens of choices. What should I buy? Should I go there? What project should I work on first? Your spirit knows what the right answer is, you just need to remind yourself how. Here’s a quick HACK to help you out. Take 3 deep breaths. First, notice what is happening in...

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An Inconvenient Truth Oct 15, 2022

A recent article in Anthropocene states that research published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences challenges a belief that humans occupied a small amount of terrestrial ecosystems nearly 12,000 years ago and as a result, had little affect on reshaping landscapes. In fact, the...

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Suffering Oct 12, 2022

I met with a friend for lunch today and she told me she is too stressed to spend the time to learn how to manage it. I don’t think she is alone in thinking that. As a matter-of-fact, I was in her shoes most of my professional life. We tend to normalize suffering—we tell ourselves,...

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Indigenous People's Day Oct 08, 2022

Monday, October 10 is Indigenous Peoples’ Day

This special day was announced by the First Nations Development Institute, whose mission is to “strengthen American Indian economies to support healthy Native communities…through technical assistance & training, advocacy &...

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