Yes or No? Your Body Knows!

Oct 17, 2022

Every day, we face dozens of choices. What should I buy? Should I go there? What project should I work on first? Your spirit knows what the right answer is, you just need to remind yourself how. Here’s a quick HACK to help you out. Take 3 deep breaths. First, notice what is happening in your body right now. Notice how your chest area feels; your shoulders; your belly and now your solar plexus separately. Now, say YES 5-6 times and notice what is happening in those areas separately. Your chest area. Your shoulders. Your belly. Finally, your solar plexus. Remember how YES feels in your body. Now, take another 3 deep breaths and say NO 5-6 times. Notice how NO feels in your chest area. Now your shoulders. Now your belly. Finally, your solar plexus. Inhale and then exhale three times. Remember how your body felt with YES and NO. Practice this anywhere and often so that you will learn to trust your body. Ultimately, you will FEEL YES or NO immediately. Shimoff and Associates. #YesorNo#Decide#BodyAwareness