How to Change Your Close Circle Mar 02, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Leaders

BAM! How to Change Your Close Circle

The saying “You are known by the company you keep,” highlights the significant influence that the people around you can have on your life. It has been estimated that you become the average of the five...

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How to Stop Detractors Mar 01, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Leaders

BAM! How to Stop Detractors

Have you ever had a colleague who always shoots down your ideas and tells you why they won't work? In my previous blog posts, I've discussed how everything is energy and vibrates at different frequencies. When you're operating...

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How to See Clearly Feb 28, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Leaders

BAM! How to See Clearly

The ancient philosopher, Patanjali, once stated that having a greater purpose and an extraordinary project can unleash one’s thoughts and consciousness, allowing them to stay focused on their task despite their fears. As an...

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How to Avoid Burnout by Taking a Quantum Leap Feb 22, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Leaders

BAM! How to Avoid Burnout by Taking a Quantum Leap

During this time of environmental crisis, environmental leaders are being called to transform how they identify problems and how they create and implement solutions. Taking a quantum leap requires the...

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Know Your "Yes" or "No" in a Moment! Feb 20, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Leaders

BAM! Know Your “Yes” or “No” in a Moment!

#When you don’t have a lot of time to deliberate, how can you make the best decision?

Every day, we are faced with numerous decisions that require quick and efficient judgment....

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Nail Your Priorities Feb 17, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Leaders

BAM! Nail Your Priorities

Feelings are experienced consciously and can be created in our heads based upon events of the past or fears of the future and may not be true. Conversely, our bodies generate emotions, which can serve as a more precise...

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Ignite Your Intuition Feb 16, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Leaders

BAM! Ignite Your Intuition

Intuition is the unique ability to comprehend something instantly without conscious reasoning. It is often referred to as a “gut feeling,” an innate sense of knowing, even without a logical explanation. Children...

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Stress Busters for Environmental Leaders Feb 15, 2023

BAM! Be Present in the Moment

It’s common to view life as happening to us, leaving us feeling like victims of circumstances. However, our interpretation of events is what leads to stress and suffering. Being present in the current moment means accepting life as it is, without dwelling on...

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Environmental Leaders--Stop Swimming Upstream Feb 14, 2023

Environmental Leaders--Stop Swimming Upstream

Universal Law #11 is the Law of Rhythm. Cycles are a natural part of the universe—we can see it in the seasons, the changes in our lives as we age. Everything is energy and energy continually changes form. By accepting the cycles of life, we can...

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You Are Nature Feb 13, 2023

You Are Nature

We are all one. All beings on the Earth are connected. That’s probably why being in Nature instills a sense of belonging in us. Studies have show that exposure to green spaces can lower blood pressure and heart rate and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Additionally,...

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The Wolf You Feed Feb 09, 2023

The Wolf You Feed

Universal Law #10, the Law of Polarity, states that every aspect of life has a counterpart, such as good and evil, love and fear, hot and cold. Understanding this principle is key, as it implies that life has two sides. Just like a coin has both heads and tails that are closely...

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Don't Keep Up with the Joneses! Feb 01, 2023

Don’t Keep up with the Joneses!

Universal Law #9 The Law of Relativity

The reality is that things simply exist, neutral and without inherent meaning. We assign significance to them based upon our backgrounds, education, social connections, memories etc. This can be seen in the act of...

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