Diane Lynch possesses a profound understanding of the environmental profession, having dedicated nearly 25 years to this field. In the face of the escalating global climate crisis, it has become imperative for environmental professionals and leaders to respond swiftly and purposefully. Diane firmly believes that by embracing new tools and techniques, they can revolutionize the way they undertake their critical work.

Diane's understanding of these challenges is rooted in her rich career history from leading regional watershed agencies to serving as a development director for a water resources nonprofit, and skillfully managing a diverse range of public and private projects. Her contributions to public and private sector environmental initiatives have been instrumental. Additionally, Diane honed her experience as a professional mediator and facilitator and actively managed public involvement processes in transportation, wastewater treatment, and water quality projects. Prior to that work, she trained volunteers and lobbied of behalf of various clients.

Over the past 15 years, Diane has also delved into the realm of personal development, giving her understanding of the intricate interplay between body, mind, and spirit. Having learned from spiritual and transformational leaders in Peru and the United States, Diane endeavors to empower others to lead fulfilling lives, equipped with the tools they need to navigate their personal and professional journeys.

As a published author, Diane’s writings offer a glimpse into her diverse interests. Her works focus upon spirituality, country living and the natural world, further illustrating her multifaceted approach to life and work.

Diane Lynch continues to strive for excellence in her field and beyond. Her extensive experience and unyielding dedication make her a beacon of inspiration for those navigating the ever-evolving terrain of environmental challenges and personal development.

Diane’s credentials include: an M.S. in Conservation Biology and B.S. in Speech-Communications. In addition, she is certified by the following organizations: Virtual Coaching by Eben Pagan Training; Mindfulness Training from the Omega Institute and as a personal development course trainer for “Happy for No Reason” by Shimoff and Associates. Â