Don't Worry, Be Happy Apr 25, 2023

Do you remember the Bobby McFerrin song, “Don't worry, Be Happy?” The song encourages us to let go of our worries and embrace happiness instead.  It is easier said than done. In my own life, I know that when I worry, things just seem to get worse—it’s like a downward...

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Keep Fear in Check Apr 24, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Leaders

BAM! Keep Fear in Check

Fear is a natural emotion that all humans experience in response to perceived danger or threat. Our “old mammalian brain--the paleomammalian-- is responsible for subconscious emotions, such as fear. Fear can be helpful in...

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How Do You Want to Show Up? Apr 21, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Leaders

BAM! How Do You Want to Show Up?

Do you want to change the way you show up in the world? It's all about the energy you give out and receive. As the saying goes, “Wherever you go, there you are.” As I’ve stated before, everything is...

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Choose Your Words Carefully Apr 19, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Leaders

BAM! Choose Your Words Carefully


The past year has been marked by intense rhetoric from political parties, special interest groups, the media, and even our loved ones. During these tense moments, the power of words becomes more palpable than ever....

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Learn to Forgive Yourself Apr 18, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Leaders

BAM! Learn to Forgive Yourself

It's common to reflect on the past and focus on our mistakes, regrets, and feelings of guilt or shame. However, if we step back and look at the bigger picture of our lives, we'll see that these negative experiences are just a...

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Taming Our Monkey Minds Apr 17, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Leaders

BAM! Pay Attention to Your Monkey Mind

Scientists estimate that each of us have about 60,000 thoughts a day and most are negative and repetitive. Hard to believe, isn’t it? Is it any wonder that in ancient texts, the Buddha is quoted as saying,...

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Be Intentional in Your Day Apr 14, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Leaders

BAM! Be Intentional In Your Day

It's remarkable how differently we all live our lives despite having the same amount of time each day. What we choose to do with that time is what shapes our individual experiences. Whether it's consuming news, spending time...

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How to Connect with Your Intuition Apr 07, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Leaders

BAM! How to Connect with Your Intuition

Intuition is the unique ability to comprehend something instantly without conscious reasoning. It is often referred to as a “gut feeling,” an innate sense of knowing, even without a logical explanation....

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Pay Attention to Your Thoughts Mar 30, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Leaders

BAM! Pay Attention to Your Thoughts

Universal Law #8 The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy


All things are made up of energy, including our thoughts, which can manifest into reality. Emotions serve as a signal of our thoughts and generate...

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How to Get What You Want Mar 24, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Leaders

Bam! How to Get What You Want

This third Universal Law, The Law of Attraction, is a powerful tool that allows us to manifest the lives we've always dreamed of. This law works by allowing us to focus on what we want and attract it into our lives. When we...

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How to Recognize Miracles All Around You. A story about my little Luna Mae. Mar 22, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Leaders

Bam! How to Recognize Miracles All Around You. A story about my little Luna Mae.

Growing up, I eagerly awaited the monthly edition of Reader’s Digest, so I could read the featured True Story. While the plot was often painful, the ending was always...

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How to Change Your Thoughts to Reduce Stress Mar 21, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Leaders

Bam! How to change your thoughts to reduce stress

Something we know for sure is that things happen to us that we cannot control. Most times, at best, we are observers. We can choose to become upset about what happens or not. When television reporters...

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