
Nov 22, 2022

Many of us living in the United States will be observing Thanksgiving on Thursday. Looking back at a year of many challenges, how are you feeling about what the holiday signifies? Do you have an attitude of gratitude? Is that possible? Yes, it is, with a little practice. When you get out of bed, plant one foot and say “thank” and plant the other and say “you” as your feet hit the floor. As you turn on the light, say “thank you.” As you turn on the faucet, say “thank you.” Take a moment to think about all the people who worked hard so that you could have a life full of conveniences and say a silent “thank you” to them. Who are you sharing the day with? What do you appreciate about them? When you have an “attitude of gratitude,” you will be much happier and the challenges you face will be easier. Try it out. I’ll bet you will have more flowing into your life to be grateful for.  Because, after all, what you appreciate, appreciates. It’s a Universal Law. #voltaire#appreciation