Listen! Do You Want to Know a Secret? Hack #2

Nov 01, 2022

Listen! Do You Want to Know a Secret?

Hack #2

Election Day is just one week away. Do you feel relieved that all the campaign advertising you seem to be bombarded with will soon be over? Each political party and their candidates claim they are on the side of truth. These days, it seems everyone has their own definition of truth. There is a way to sift through all the rhetoric by owning your truth. Just go inside. Listen to the that “still small voice.” It’s the same voice we were told to listen to as children when we had to make a moral decision. It’s the same voice that we tend to second guess and instead be swayed by the “experts,” people we respect and our own families. But, you know what this voice is, why it is imperative that you listen to it and then act on that information. Whose voice is it? It’s the voice of your soul.
