The Gift of Breath May 03, 2022

Breath is life...and becoming a master of how you breathe can restore you no matter what is happening around you or to you. Count to four as you breathe in, hold your breath for 4 counts and then exhale slowly, to the count of 4. This is one habit you will not want to break!

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Water and Money are Energy Apr 29, 2022

In what ways do you use money to heal ourselves and the Planet?

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The Success of Failure Apr 25, 2022

Do you strive for perfection and when you fail, criticize yourself? You can be bitter...or you can be better. It's always your choice. #tomwatson#failure#success

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In Honor of Earth Day Apr 19, 2022

As we approach another Earth Day, I find more and more articles--as noted author and motivational speaker, Wayne Dyer said that, "Change the Way You Look at Things...and the Things You Look at...Change." Bioneers is a nonprofit organization that I look to for new ways for seeing this stupefying...

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Give Yourself Permission Apr 01, 2022

Is there something you've dreamt about doing, but you haven't done it yet?

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Indigenous Earth Wisdom Mar 27, 2022

The United Nations' 2019 Global Awareness Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services recognized that when indigenous peoples and local communities held or managed land that environmental impacts were less severe. The First Nations Development Institute is a leader in its mission to...

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So Much Happiness... Mar 15, 2022

Naomi Shihab Nye - 1952-

It is difficult to know what to do with so much happiness.
With sadness there is something to rub against,
a wound to tend with lotion and cloth.
When the world falls in around you, you have pieces to pick up,
something to hold in your hands, like ticket stubs or...

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