"Thou" Versus "It" Mar 09, 2022

Here's a suggestion--have fun experimenting with this concept and see how it changes your experience!

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What Makes You Come Alive Mar 03, 2022

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive." Howard Thurman

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Courage Feb 28, 2022

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.

– Franklin D. Roosevelt


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Sacred Hoop of Life Feb 25, 2022

Sacred Hoop

The Sacred Hoop of Life is a story that teaches indigenous people about their spiritual relationship with the universe. Human life, as with all energy, is a continuous journey through the doorway after doorway and a continual sacred spiraling movement. The relationship that self-aware...

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Living with Uncertainty Feb 07, 2022

Living with uncertainty has become commonplace, but have you made peace with it yet? The media doesn’t miss a beat in relating how bad news has become worse. We don’t need the reminders. But, it is important to recognize that it isn’t the news that makes us suffer. What makes us...

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Plant Healing mother tree plant healing plant wisdom Feb 03, 2022

Some scientists believe we only have ten years to dramatically shift how we live on our planet. As Einstein said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” How are we going to shift in order to save ourselves by protecting the planet? One way...

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Our Relationship with Nature Jan 27, 2022

All of us drawn to this website are inspired by Nature. Our dedication to protecting and conserving Nature is part and parcel of why we chose to become environmental leaders. Several years ago, while driving to meet a friend for breakfast, I happened upon a flicker that I assumed was injured...

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It Is What It Is Jan 24, 2022

How often have you used this phrase? When have you used it? Have you said it when you’ve felt helpless, that nothing more could be done or as a way of accepting someone’s apology? This phrase cannot be attributed to anyone; however, the phrase first appeared in a column written by...

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A New Year's Intention Jan 05, 2022
 I am sure we’ve all exhausted our interest in New Year’s resolutions by now. Experts say that our commitment to them usually lasts about 36 days. This year, here’s a commitment that is easy to do and can last a lifetime. It is to be mindful. Thich Nhat Hahn, a Buddhist...
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Transitions Dec 09, 2021


In a few days, we will transition into winter. Seasons—they are something we can count on—year in and year out. The dates appear on our calendars while Nature changes her colors and her habits. Since Covid hit, it seems like we are making transitions almost...

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Intuition--Your Soul's Guide dreams inner voice intuition soul Dec 01, 2021

You’ve probably heard the sayings, “follow your gut,” “the first answer that pops into your head is the right answer, “ and other adages that refer to intuition. By definition, intuition is “the ability to acquire knowledge without recourse to conscious...

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