How to Start Your Day with a Bang! Apr 30, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang On Just a Minute! Series

How to Start Your Day with a Bang!

Every day we wake up, we have a blank slate. What is that you want to have happen today? Success is not a one-size-fits-all picture. It’s a personal journey that starts fresh...

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How to Stay Calm in the Midst of a Heavy Workload Apr 29, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

How to Stay Calm in the Midst of a Heavy Workload

Recently, a colleague shared that the primary source of stress in their office was the seemingly overwhelming workload—a common scenario many of us face in our careers, as I did. Fortunately,...

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Embrace Each Dawn: How to Turn Every Day into a Fresh Start Apr 26, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Embrace Each Dawn: How to Turn Every Day into a Fresh Start

Every morning presents a unique opportunity – an untouched canvas waiting for you to paint your day. Imagine, each sunrise of yours in a day that you've never lived; It's ripe with...

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I AM: Crafting Your Identity with Two Powerful Words Apr 25, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

I AM: Crafting Your Identify with Two Powerful Words

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure.” This profound statement from Marianne Williamson’s poem, “Our Greatest...

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Celebrating Our Past: The Key to a Fulfilling Future Apr 24, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Celebrating Our Past: The Key to a Fulfilling Future

For each of us, life’s journey is segmented into chapters, each marked by a series of internal reflections and external interactions. Our past selves have played a significant role in...

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Crafting Your Career Path Through Passion and Purpose Apr 23, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Crafting Your Career Path Through Passion and Purpose

Like so many other things in life, the key to finding your dream job starts on the inside. Long before encountering a job advertisement or posting, you engage in self-reflection, identifying what...

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From Inspiration to Earth Preservation: Celebrating Earth Day Apr 22, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

From Inspiration to Earth Preservation: Celebrating Earth Day

Earth Day stands as a global beacon of sustainability and environmental consciousness. But what is the inspiration behind this vital movement? In exploring this, we can trace back to the...

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Pay Attention to Your Calling Apr 19, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Pay Attention to Your Calling

Paying attention to a calling can be a powerful experience that brings a sense of purpose and fulfillment to our lives. Whether it's a career path, a creative pursuit, a volunteer opportunity, or something else...

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The Courageous Path to a Career You Love Apr 19, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

The Courageous Path to a Career You Love

In this video, I share my career path.

Choosing a career that makes you happy will lead to a more fulfilling and rewarding life. Since we spend most of our time engaged in work, it's important to find...

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Manifesting the Future: Unleashing the Potential of Inspiration Apr 17, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Manifesting the Future: Unleashing the Potential of Inspiration

 In today's world, finding inspiration can often feel like an elusive task. However, I'm excited to share remarkable resource that recently came to my attention, guaranteed to...

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Embracing the Quantum Leap: Transforming Environmental Leadership Apr 16, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Embracing the Quantum Leap: Transforming Environmental Leadership

In our current environmental crisis, leaders in the field are increasingly called upon to rethink their approaches to problem identification, solution creation and implementation....

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How to Ignite the Courage Inside You Apr 15, 2024

 Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

How to Ignite the Courage Inside You

#Looking back to my blogs last week on KlimaSeniorInnen, Greta Thunberg and courage, were you inspired to take a leap of faith in your own life? In physics, a quantum leap refers to a sudden and...

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