Time Travel, Anyone? Dec 26, 2022

Time Travel, Anyone?

I think if we are all honest with ourselves, we would admit that a lot of how we spend our time is doing what we feel is expected of us—by other people as well as of ourselves. We get caught up in obligations and routines and give little thought to what really makes us...

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A Winter Soltice Prayer Dec 21, 2022

A Winter Solstice Prayer

In many cultures, winter is a time of renewal, regeneration, and gathering with our communities to share knowledge, skills and stories. We may also be reflecting upon the past–what we may have done wrong; how we may have hurt someone; how we may have a substantial...

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Feeling Scrooged? Dec 19, 2022

Feeling Scrooged?

Are you a bit anxious about the holidays? Is there someone you will be seeing or a gathering you aren’t looking forward to? In The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle, states “Unease, anxiety, tenson, stress. worry–all forms of fear–are caused by too...

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Got Water? Dec 16, 2022

Got Water?

At Sacred Earth Science, we help environmental professionals become the transformational leaders that are so needed during this time of environmental crisis. Weekly, we will share new stories that highlight the work of transformational environmental leaders. This week, an article...

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Meditation--The Perfect Cure for Holiday Blahs! Dec 14, 2022

The holidays are the perfect time to try out some new practices that help you cope with the flurry of activity at work and at home. Here's one that is guaranteed to work for you--it's called meditation. While anytime you are feeling totally present and peaceful can be meditative, like walking in...

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Every Day is New Dec 12, 2022

Every day you wake up is a new day. Look at it this way—you have never lived this day before. It is full of possibilities. How will you live your life today…each present moment? When you wake up, even before your feet hit the floor, look around your bedroom and see what inspires you....

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Ask Nature Dec 08, 2022
AAs you may know, at Sacred Earth Science, we explore lessons Nature has for us and how we can incorporate them into our lives so that we can do our vital environmental work in a transformational way. We are, after all, a part of Nature, but we have acted and believed as if we were better than...
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Your Body's Whack-A-Mole Dec 07, 2022

Your Body’s Whack-A-Mole

Have you noticed that sometimes when you are feeling a lot of stress at work, that your body starts complaining? Maybe you develop a headache, your heart pounds, your stomach aches or other pains crop up. Rather than grabbing a medicine bottle or simply ignoring it,...

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Taming Our Monkey Minds Dec 05, 2022

Scientists estimate that each of us have about 60,000 thoughts a day and most are negative and repetitive. Hard to believe, isn’t it? Is it any wonder that in ancient texts, the Buddha is quoted as saying, “We all have monkey minds, with dozens of monkeys all clamoring for attention....

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The Incredible Power of Emotions Dec 02, 2022

The Incredible Power of Emotions

It’s the holiday season and if you celebrate any of the holidays, you may be on a roller coaster of emotions. Maybe you hate the crowds at the store; don’t know what to buy for certain people or are dreading having to see some folks that drive you...

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A Quick Hack to Get You Back on Track Nov 30, 2022

Do you want to be at your personal best at a moment’s notice? From time to time, I will share some quick hacks you can use immediately if you find yourself: anxious, overwhelmed, exhausted or just plain confused about what you should do next. Here's one for the times you feel anxious.


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The Connection Between Human and Planetary Health Nov 28, 2022

Our bodies, much like the earth, are comprised of systems, which are interdependent. We know that the harm humans have done to the Planet is largely because we don't see how we are interconnected with it. In addition, we may harm our bodies because we do not see it as an ecosystem. Bioneers, is...

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