You are Known by the Company Your Keep! Jan 30, 2023

You are Known by the Company You Keep!

Universal Law #8 The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

 Everything is energy. Thoughts become things. Your emotions signal to you what you are thinking and generate vibrations. Emotions with the higher levels of vibration are Love, Joy and Peace....

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Life is a Boomerang! Jan 27, 2023

Life is a Boomerang!

Universal Law #6 The Law of Cause and Effect

 The entire Universe is made up of energy and every action has a corresponding reaction. To avoid negative consequences, it’s important to be mindful of how you approach a task. For example, if a relative asks you to...

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You are On Fire! Jan 25, 2023

You are On Fire!

Universal Law #5 The Law of Inspired Action

You know what it feels like to be inspired. You can't wait to put your ideas to work, and the ideas come fast and furiously. People who are happier have an inner knowing most of the time. They wake up each day with excitement. Ideas...

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Mirror, Mirror On the Wall... Jan 23, 2023

Mirror, Mirror On the Wall…

The Law of Correspondence, the fourth Universal Law, suggests that whatever is happening to you on the outside is a reflection of what is going on inside of you and requires healing. The Universe asks what the situation can show you about yourself and to use it...

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You Are a Whirling Dervish! Jan 18, 2023

You Are a Whirling Dervish!

The Law of Vibration reminds us that we are all connected through energy, and that our energy is constantly in motion. Everything in the Universe is vibrating and so are you! To ensure you are experiencing the truth of who you are, and to access your abundant fountain...

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Confused? There's a Universal Law for That! Jan 16, 2023

Unlike the Laws of Nature, the Universal Laws are a combination of science, spirituality and metaphysics. Each is designed to create harmony and balance in the Universe. They are thought to be intrinsic, unchanging principles that ancient cultures have always known. There are 12 Laws that once...

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Old Age Trumps Youth Jan 13, 2023

Old Age Trumps Youth

As we get older, we like to think of all the ways our advanced years are an advantage. Apparently, older age is an advantage for trees adapting to climate change. In a recent article in the publication Anthropocene, a magazine published by Future Earth, “When Trees Face...

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What the Heck? Jan 11, 2023

What the Heck?

Something we know for sure is that things happen to us that we cannot control. Most times, at best, we are observers. We can choose to become upset about what happens or not. When television reporters interview several people about an event that they witnessed, oftentimes each...

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New Beginnings Jan 10, 2023

Today is a Do Over

Every day, we can start over. We can say, “Whenever I think of my past, I will be grateful because of all those learning experiences--every one of them have helped me become more aware of who I am and shaped the person I am today.” And that person, right now, is...

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What the World Needs Now Jan 06, 2023

The transformational organization, Bioneers, just announced its 34th Conference—a conference which will once again “serve as a trellis on which visionary movements have grown around authentic “solve-the-whole problem solutions.” It is organized around the premise that...

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You Betcha for 2023! Dec 30, 2022

You betcha for 2023!  Have you exhausted your interest in New Year’s resolutions by now? Experts say that our commitment to them usually lasts about 36 days. This year, here’s a commitment that is easy to do and can last a lifetime. It is to be mindful. Thich Nhat Hahn, a...

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RIP New Year's Resolutions Dec 28, 2022

RIP New Year’s Resolutions!

Have you given up on New Year’s Resolutions? I’ll bet that you’ll agree that most of us have because we know they don’t work. Why? Maybe because they feel superficial—something that we say but aren’t really committed to do the...

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