Don't Keep Up with the Joneses!

Feb 01, 2023

Don’t Keep up with the Joneses!

Universal Law #9 The Law of Relativity

The reality is that things simply exist, neutral and without inherent meaning. We assign significance to them based upon our backgrounds, education, social connections, memories etc. This can be seen in the act of comparison. On a drive to work, I realized that I was unconsciously judging everything I noticed, such as a house that appeared uncared for or a new car with a dent that I wondered why the owner didn’t fix. These judgments were solely based on my personal experiences and assumptions, demonstrating that meaning is relative and shaped by our perspectives and perceptions.


Test It Out. Next time you go shopping, take note of how many stories you create about the people you see in the stores. Catch yourself doing that in other situations and take a moment to reflect at those judgements and laugh about how creative you are!

Sacred Earth Science helps environmental leaders avoid burnout by teaching them techniques that transform the way they do their vital work.
