You are On Fire!

Jan 25, 2023

You are On Fire!

Universal Law #5 The Law of Inspired Action

You know what it feels like to be inspired. You can't wait to put your ideas to work, and the ideas come fast and furiously. People who are happier have an inner knowing most of the time. They wake up each day with excitement. Ideas come easily and frequently because they are “in the zone.” When you are "in spirit," it means you are living from a higher frequency rather than trying to get to it.

Test It Out. Practicing this law is about slowing down, getting quiet and allowing space for internal guidance. Before you start your day, start by doing at least one thing that inspires you. It could be going outside, closing your eyes and listening to the birds. It could be opening your favorite meditation book and reading a passage. It could be closing your eyes and thinking of the person who always inspires you. Whatever it is, be intentional about it. Feel your way to inspiration.

Sacred Earth Science helps environmental leaders avoid burnout by teaching them techniques that transform the way they do their vital work.
