Confused? There's a Universal Law for That!

Jan 16, 2023

Unlike the Laws of Nature, the Universal Laws are a combination of science, spirituality and metaphysics. Each is designed to create harmony and balance in the Universe. They are thought to be intrinsic, unchanging principles that ancient cultures have always known. There are 12 Laws that once you become aware of them, you can use them to help guide your life. The first one is the Law of Divine Oneness. Everything is connected. For instance, traditional Indigenous Americans do not have a single centralized diety or god. They believe there is spirit in everything and therefore, god in everything. Joseph Campbell, a renowned anthropologist who wrote, The Power of Myth stated,All of life (is) addressed as thou. The trees, the stones, everything. By addressing the world around us as "thou," we can cultivate a greater appreciation and understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. We can also learn to be more mindful of our actions and the consequences they have on the world around us.

Test it out. As you are driving along a well-recognized route, observe a living thing and rather than thinking of that as an “it,” think of that as a “thou.” How does that change the perception you have of its’ value?

Sacred Earth Science helps environmental leaders avoid burnout by teaching them techniques that transform the way they do their vital work.
