How to Stop Swimming Upstream and Go with the Flow May 29, 2024

 Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang on a Minute! Series

How to Stop Swimming Upstream and Go with the Flow

Cycles are a natural part of the universe—we can see it in the seasons, the changes in our lives as we age. Everything is energy and energy continually changes...

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How to Nail It May 24, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang on a Minute! Series

How to Nail It

The Law of Attraction,the third Universal Law,  is a powerful tool that allows us to manifest the lives we've always dreamed of. This law works by allowing us to focus on what we want and attract it into...

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Don't Believe the Stories You Create May 22, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang On a Minute! Series

Don’t Believe the Stories You Create

The Law of Relativity, Universal Law #9,  suggests that our perception of reality is shaped by our individual experiences and that there is no objective truth or meaning that...

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How to Move from Stuck to Inspired May 17, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang on a Minute! Series

How to Move from Stuck to Inspired

By embracing the Law of Inspired Action, you can transform your life from feeling blocked to being inspired. It's about more than just positive thinking; it's about taking meaningful steps...

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How to Use Universal Laws to Transform Your Life May 15, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang on a Minute! Series

How to Use Universal Laws to Transform Your Life

Understanding Universal Laws is crucial because they offer a framework that integrates science, spirituality and metaphysics, guiding us towards a harmonious and balanced...

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Stuck in a Rut? Reset Your Mood in a Minute! May 13, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang On a Minute! Series

Stuck in a Rut? Reset Your Mood in a Minute

We all have them. You may start out the day with the blahs or maybe you start out and hit the ground running. But sometime during the day, you find that you are lagging and hopping...

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How the Two Wolves Within Us Shape Our Lives May 10, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang On a Minute! Series

How the Two Wolves Within Us Shape Our Lives

Every aspect of life has a counterpart, such as good and evil, love and fear, hot and cold. Understanding this principle is key, as it implies that life has two sides. Just like a...

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Another Way to Look at It May 09, 2024


Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang On a Minute! Series

Another Way to Look at It

#Concerned about recent bad news? Spiritual Teacher and Author Eckhart Tolle, said there are no problems, just situations. You have 3 choices: leave the situation, accept the situation, or...

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How to Stop Fear in Its Tracks May 08, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang On a Minute! Series

How to Stop Fear in Its Tracks

Eckert Tolle, author of The Power of Now as well as many other titles, stated that “fear comes in many forms: unease, worry, anxiety, nervousness, tension, dread and so on.” This is...

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How to Flip Fear in the Face! May 07, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang On a Minute! Series

How to Flip Fear in the Face

We all face fear on a daily basis. The invisible chains that wrap around us not only induce self-doubt and anxiety but also drains our cognitive resources, preventing us from focusing on tasks at...

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How to Listen to the News May 03, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental LeadersHang On a Minute! Series

How to Listen to the News

Listening to the news during turbulent times can be particularly challenging, given the constant barrage of information, much of which may be distressing. At a recent Year of Miracles presentation,...

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From Panic to Power: Transforming Reaction into Reflection May 01, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang On a Minute! Series

From Panic to Power: Transforming Reaction into Reflection

Objects, events and ideas do not possess any inherent meaning or value. Instead, it is us, as human beings, who assign meaning to them based upon our personal...

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