You are Known by the Company Your Keep!

Jan 30, 2023

You are Known by the Company You Keep!

Universal Law #8 The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

 Everything is energy. Thoughts become things. Your emotions signal to you what you are thinking and generate vibrations. Emotions with the higher levels of vibration are Love, Joy and Peace. Emotions with the lower levels of vibration are Apathy, Guilt and Shame. Since thoughts become things, it is important to catch the thoughts with lower vibrations so that you are not attracting similar emotions from those around you. You can change the vibration of those around you by focusing on those higher level emotions.


Test It Out. Perhaps you have a friend who is a “Debby Downer or Downer Dan.” Give him/her a call and counter negative comments with positive ones. Rather than agreeing that things are bad, focus on the good things that result from what is being said. Hopefully, this exercise will result in one of the more upbeat conversations you’ve had with this friend!

Sacred Earth Science helps environmental leaders avoid burnout by teaching them techniques that transform the way they do their vital work.
