How to Love Your Rituals!

Jun 14, 2024


Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang on a Minute! Series

How to Love Your Rituals!

In his ground-breaking masterpiece, Atomic Habits, James Clear amazes us with a staggering revelation: an astounding 40 to 50% of our daily actions are governed by habits. Stop for a moment and let that sink in. These habitual patterns often go unnoticed, steering the course of our lives in unintended directions. These routines wield an immense power over our lives. Yet if we truly seek to craft the life of our dreams, we must create our intentions and act in harmony with them. Do you have a morning ritual? I do. Each day, I start by taking my supplements, then meditate for 10-15 minutes and then exercise. By repeating this ritual every morning, I reinforce its importance and make it an unequivocal priority in my life. I then can go on with my day without worrying about when I will fit that in. What will you include in your morning ritual?#ritual#JamesClear#AtomicHabits

Sacred Earth Science helps eco-innovators master leadership skills by learning and applying innovative tools and techniques to manage demanding workloads, reduce stress, boost their productivity, and achieve work-life balance. Our specialized training and Next Level Coaching help clients transform the way they work.