Who Are You Becoming?

Jul 11, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Stewards

Who Are You Becoming?

Like Marianne Williamson said in her poem, Our Greatest Fear, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” When you take a good look at yourself, what do you see? What are those attributes that you are most proud of? When you think about the impact you are making to protect the environment, how were you able to do it? Author Zig Ziglar stated that, “I AM are two of the most powerful words. For what you put after them shapes your reality.” What is it that you want to aspire to? I AM an inspiring team leader. I AM a creative engineer. I AM a transformational leader.  Whatever you want to become starts with these two words. And you are powerful beyond measure.  #Who are you becoming?

Sacred Earth Science helps environmental stewards avoid burnout by teaching them tools and techniques that transform the way they do their vital work. Our tools and techniques integrate eastern, western and indigenous science and we support growth through our Next Level Coaching.



