What If...We Could Thrive During the Climate Crisis?

Jul 27, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Stewards

What If… We Could Thrive During the Climate Crisis?

In the midst of our climate crisis, what if we could not just survive, but flourish? I recently stumbled upon the term “Eco-anxiety.” While it has yet to be formally diagnosed, climate psychologist Leslie Davenport in her book “Emotional Resiliency in the Era of Climate Change,” affirms that individuals’ responses to environmental threats span a broad spectrum, from a sense of despair and impotence to outright anger. It’s worth noting that according to a study by Yale University, at least half of Americans are “disgusted, helpless or angry” when confronted with climate-related news. This is not a novel reaction to crises. If we look back in time, we can observe that during periods of crisis, society has often undergone dramatic transformations. Crises have led to transformative social, economic and cultural shifts, as well as ground-breaking scientific and medical advancements. Such moments underscore the resilience and adaptability of the human spirit, lighting a beacon of hope for the challenges that lie ahead. There’s an adage that reads, “Your life reflects what you consistently hold in your mind.” Now, what if we consciously sought out news emphasizing the remarkable strides we’ve made in addressing climate change and the actionable steps we can take within our own communities. Isn't that the world we'd all want to inhabit?


Sacred Earth Science helps environmental stewards avoid burnout by teaching them tools and techniques that transform the way they do their vital work. Our tools and techniques integrate eastern, western and indigenous science and we support personal and professional growth through our Next Level coaching.


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