We Are All Indigenous2

Feb 29, 2024

Stress Busters for Eco-Innovators

We Are All Indigenous2


As indicated in my first post, I am reviewing Doug Good Feather’s book, Think Indigenous. He states, “If we were to journey back to our earthly ancestral origins, each of us would discover heritage and wisdom deeply rooted in the indigenous spiritual ways of ancient Europe, Africa, Asia, North and South America, the island nations, the Arctic nations and in other lands that now only exist in myths and legends.”


Good Feather states that in our modern world, many of our problems stem from our disconnection with the natural world. When we are able to “think indigenous,” we can hook up with that ancient ancestral wisdom and use it to help balance our lives, live in harmony with the environment, become clear about our purpose and use our natural instincts and intuition. He indicates that all indigenous cultures are united in the “core philosophy of living in harmony with the ways of mother earth and in alignment with the natural laws of the universe.” It is this collective spirituality that connects all of us. In learning about native cultures, he cautions that we “appreciate and not appropriate” the rituals, music, dress, ceremonies, and other “defining elements of those cultures.” However, he suggests that there are teachings universal to native and non-natives. Those will be explored in future blogs.




Sacred Earth Science helps environmental stewards master conscious leadership skills by learning and applying innovative tools and techniques so they can manage demanding workloads, reduce stress, boost their productivity, and achieve work-life balance.
