We Are All Indigenous--Walking the Red Road

Feb 29, 2024

Stress Busters for Eco-Innovators

We Are All Indigenous—Walking the Red Road


As indicated in earlier posts, I am reviewing Doug Good Feather’s book, Think Indigenous: Native American Spirituality for a Modern World. In my last post, I referred to Good Feather’s statement that some teachings have been shared by many cultures over thousands of years and are universal to natives and non-natives alike. One of these teachings is called “Walking the Red Road.”


All of us have chosen to walk a certain path in our lives—either intentionally or by default. At some point, we may reach a crossroad where we need to choose which way to go. We may have come from a life of adversity and are faced with the decision of how we want to continue. That choice will be the “beginning of our true journey.” We can choose a spiritual path that follows universal truths and sacred principles.


If “Walking the Red Road” means that we are on a virtuous path, Good Feather indicated that actions and behaviors that are in alignment with our true journey are considered “in a good way.” They complement that direction. Good Feather stated, “these ways are as profound as they are simple, they are powerful as they are humble, and they are as sacred as they are common…we either live them or we don’t.”




Sacred Earth Science helps environmental stewards master conscious leadership skills by learning and applying innovative tools and techniques so they can manage demanding workloads, reduce stress, boost their productivity, and achieve work-life balance.
