We Are All Indigenous--The Sacred Hoop of Life

Mar 01, 2024

Stress Busters for Eco-Innovators

We Are All Indigenous—The Sacred Hoop of Life

As indicated in earlier posts, I am reviewing Doug Good Feather’s book, Think Indigenous: Native American Spirituality for a Modern World. In my last post, I referred to Good Feather’s statement that some teachings have been shared by many cultures over thousands of years and are universal to natives and non-natives alike. One of these teachings is called “The Sacred Hoop of Life.”

The Sacred Hoop of Life is a story—it teaches us about our spiritual relationship with the Universe. Everything is energy. Energy cannot be destroyed; it just moves from one form to another. Human energy is no different. Good Feather refers to human energy as moving from one doorway to another in a “sacred spiraling movement.”

At the center of the hoop is each of us—unique individuals--and the four cardinal directions—North, South, East and West flow from us. In the Hoop, we are also connected to the Earth (the direction below us) and the Sky (the direction above us) and to the center. This makes up the Seven Sacred Directions.

 Good Feather states that “The Sacred Hoop of Life and the Seven Sacred Directions help us understand life, creation and the creator.” The Directions offer each of us answers and perspectives on the meaning to our lives.

In the next blog, I will review the meaning of each of the Directions.


Sacred Earth Science helps environmental stewards master conscious leadership skills by learning and applying innovative tools and techniques so they can manage demanding workloads, reduce stress, boost their productivity, and achieve work-life balance.
