We Are All Indigenous--The Four Cardinal Directions: West

Mar 12, 2024

Stress Busters for Eco-Innovators

We Are All Indigenous—The Four Cardinal Directions: West

As indicated in earlier posts, I am reviewing Doug Good Feather’s book, Think Indigenous: Native American Spirituality for a Modern World. Good Feather’s states that some teachings have been shared by many cultures over thousands of years, like “The Sacred Hoop of Life. “At the center of the hoop is each of us—unique individuals--and the four cardinal directions—North, South, East and West flow from us. In the Hoop, we are also connected to the Earth (the direction below us) and the Sky (the direction above us) and to the center. This makes up the Seven Sacred Directions.


The concept of the Four Directions is often associated with colors, animals, earth elements and other aspects of life. Although different tribal cultures may vary in their interpretations, there is a shared understanding of its basic principles.

West (Black)(Fall) and Its Element is Water

Fall is a time to reflect on the intentions we had for the year and check-in with where we are. Good Feather adds, “It is also the time to gather our family and community together, to share our blessings, to help others and to …share our memories of the past and the (departed).” It is associated with the emotional aspects of healing. Fall is represented by the color black and the setting sun. It is a time for looking inward and understanding the deeper truths of life.


The earth element is Water. Good Feather states, “Water is a teacher, healer and source of all life. It is the first medicine…water responds to positive and negative energy…and as humans, we’re composed mostly of water…and kind words…(affect the molecular structures in us).”

Relevance Today

The West teaches the importance of self-reflection, understanding our inner selves, embracing the process of letting go and healing. It encourages individuals to face their shadows and work through their emotional depths for personal growth. Good Feather states, “Humans have a tendency to look the world over in search of spirituality and self-healing, but time and again…it’s the power of the sacred teachings…and of the West…that all divine understanding has been within us all along.”

In the next blog, I will review the meaning of the Sacred North Direction.


Sacred Earth Science helps environmental stewards master conscious leadership skills by learning and applying innovative tools and techniques so they can manage demanding workloads, reduce stress, boost their productivity, and achieve work-life balance.
