We Are All Indigenous--The Four Cardinal Directions: North

Mar 12, 2024

Stress Busters for Eco-Innovators

We Are All Indigenous—The Four Cardinal Directions: North


As indicated in earlier posts, I am reviewing Doug Good Feather’s book, Think Indigenous: Native American Spirituality for a Modern World. Good Feather’s states that some teachings have been shared by many cultures over thousands of years, like “The Sacred Hoop of Life. “At the center of the hoop is each of us—unique individuals--and the four cardinal directions—North, South, East and West flow from us. In the Hoop, we are also connected to the Earth (the direction below us) and the Sky (the direction above us) and to the center. This makes up the Seven Sacred Directions.

The concept of the Four Directions is often associated with colors, animals, earth elements and other aspects of life. Although different tribal cultures may vary in their interpretations, there is a shared understanding of its basic principles.

North (Blue)(Winter) and Its Element is Earth

The North represents wisdom, gratitude and the elders. It symbolizes the culmination of knowledge gained through life’s experiences, the wisdom of ancestors and the guidance they offer. It is associated with the earth, stability, and strength. Good Feather states, “Winter is a time of renewal, regeneration and the gathering of the community to share our knowledge, skills and stories.”

The earth element is Earth. Good Feather states, ”We can experience profound knowledge, miraculous healing, and deep contentment when we're able to connect with the wisdom and healing powers of the earth medicine from the North.”

Relevance Today

The North teachings highlight the importance of wisdom, offering gratitude for life’s lessons, and respecting the knowledge passed down through generations. It encourages people to seek guidance from those who have walked the path before and to honor the wisdom within themselves. Good Feather adds, “This is the time when the earth sends signals to her children that it’s time to slow down, to define things that are unclear, to get organized and to plan for the upcoming spring.”

Every page of Think Indigenous provides profound and deep wisdom. I highly recommend you get a copy of this amazing book.

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