The Past

Sep 07, 2022

The Past. It's hard for us to keep the past in the past. For most of us, it shapes how we think about the present. We get stuck on things that bothered us--slights by other people, judgments, rudeness or personal attacks and find we just can't stop thinking of them. We can get stuck on good things, as well. Who doesn't want to keep reliving that special trip, the birth of your first child, the call when you were told you got your dream job? What makes the past insidious, however, is that it can keep us from truly being “present” in each moment. It's like we are looking at life through glasses with long prescription lenses. Thinking from memories can become a habit--one that can prevent us from enjoying each new moment, each new day. “When you see the world based upon how you know it to be, you are seeing memories. Everything changes and memory keeps you from seeing that change. Decide not to part anticipate a specific appearance or behavior based upon memory and emotions. Practice detachment. You will see things in a new way. Eckhart Tolle
