Thank You to Participants at "Burned Out--Who, Me??!" last week and Save the Date

Jul 18, 2022

A big Shout Out to participants from all over the world who attended "Burned Out, Who Me??!" last week! It was fun connecting with colleagues old and new!

 Several people told me they wanted to attend, but the July dates didn't work. So, YOU ARE IN LUCK! I have scheduled a live encore workshop for August! It will be held on August 16, 17 and 18 from 4:00-4:30 p.m. CDT.

 Here's what we will be covering:

Day #1. Theme: I love my job, but I can’t keep up! Action Step: We will introduce you to mindfulness and how to include it in your work.

Day #2. Theme: I am physically exhausted! Action Step: We will review some quick techniques to get your energy back.

Day #3. Theme: Everything seems to be a priority! Action Step: We will provide you with tips to quickly restore your calm.

 Diane Lynch, M.S.

