Second Chance!

Jul 13, 2022

ARE YOU READY TO GET ENERGIZED? FOR JUST 30 MINUTES FOR 2 DAYS, YOU’VE GOT IT! Each class is independent, so please join us! ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REGISTER! As your colleague in the environmental field for the past 25 years, I am honored to be hosting a FREE MASTERCLASS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL LEADERS/PROFESSIONALS called, "Burned Out--Who, Me??!"  July 13 and 14 4:00-4:30 p.m. CDT. You are taking care of the Earth, but who is taking care of you? 


Day #2. Theme: I am physically exhausted! Action Step: We will review some quick techniques to get your energy back.

Day #3. Theme: Everything seems to be a priority! Action Step: We will provide you with tips to quickly restore your calm.

