Rewilding Europe

Oct 01, 2022

You’ve probably heard of E.O. Wilson’s “half earth” approach to slow the biodiversity crisis. The goal is to reserve half of the planet as wilderness, where human activity is strategically limited. Georgina Mace, a biodiversity expert at London’s University College disagreed on the goal and stated, “we probably need 20% or more big parks. I’m a whole earth person, not ½ of earth.” In the April 2020 edition of National Geographic, Emma Marris wrote an article, “How We Saved the World.” She envisioned that “hybrid thinking will be the norm in 2070. Borders will be softer, backyards messier. Wilderness corridors will thread through farmlands and cities; floodplains will store carbon, produce food and control floods. Wild places will still exist and people will still fall in love with them, but they might look different than they do today.”  Rewilding Europe was established in 2011 and was envisioned to demonstrate the benefits of a type of hybrid thinking—making Europe a wilder place by balancing the needs of people with those of nature and according to Frans Schepers, Executive Director of Rewilding Europe, “it is our best hope for a future where people and nature not only co-exist, but flourish.” This Bioneers article discusses those efforts. What do you think about this approach? How do you think similar rewilding principles, models and tools could be adopted in the United States? #rewildingeurope#bioneers#eowison#halfearth#