Mastering the Moment: Day Three of the Mindfulness Challenge!

Feb 13, 2024

Stress Busters for Eco-Innovators

Mastering the Moment: Day Three of the Mindfulness Challenge!

Well, you made it! Day 3 of the Challenge! #How did you do? Did you count less coins each day? Betsy, my Cash Cow had 1 coin in her and that was from not closing the refrigerator door completely. Bummer! But I am making progress with both the cabinets and the refrigerator!

Have you extended your challenge to other mindless habits that you have? I did. Mine is to check my To Do list first thing in the morning. A goal would be to create a new challenge for you every day. That will help you get into the habit of being more mindful. We are here for the long run, so don’t add too many things, fail and then give up.

Being focused and fully present at work is a fundamental aspect of professional excellence. Mindful employees can better manage stress and exhibit greater resilience, ensuring personal well-being and long term productivity. Mindfulness at work is not just a personal tool for improvement, it is an essential driver of organizational success.

During these challenging times, I believe it is paramount for all of us in the environmental field to become experts in mindfulness so that by being fully focused and present, we deliver exceptional value to our employer, clients and the world. AND, we will be proud of the work that we do.

 #How did you do with the Challenge? What will you choose for your next one?

Sacred Earth Science helps eco-innovators master leadership skills by learning and applying innovative tools and techniques to manage demanding workloads, reduce stress, boost their productivity, and achieve work-life balance. Our specialized training and Next Level Coaching help clients transform the way they work.


