How Gratitude Leads to Happiness

Feb 22, 2024

Stress Busters for Eco Innovators

How Gratitude Leads to Happiness

When you think about it, you have a lot to be grateful for, don’t you? There is an adage that is, “What you appreciate, appreciates” and cultivate “an attitude of gratitude.” Why is this? When you are thanking the Universe or the god of your understanding, how are you feeling? Full? Peaceful? Gratitude and appreciation are two feelings that are very important on an emotional scale because they are the keys to living a happy and more fulfilled life. #Do you have a gratitude practice? If not, take a few minutes right now and write down 5 things you are grateful for. Is it the boss that appreciates you, a colleague that makes work more enjoyable or even the fact that you can turn on a switch and you get light? Once you get going on noticing these things that were created outside of you, you are drawn to more. Making a habit of noticing what you are grateful for at the beginning of the day, before your feet hit the floor and before you go to bed at night is a simple way to create an enduring sense of happiness.


Sacred Earth Science helps eco innovators master leadership skills by learning and applying innovative tools and techniques to manage demanding workloads, reduce stress, boost productivity, and achieve work-life balance.