How to Stop Fear in Its Tracks

Jun 14, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Leaders

How to Stop Fear in Its Tracks

Eckert Tolle, author of The Power of Now as well as many other titles, stated that “fear comes in many forms: unease, worry, anxiety, nervousness, tension, dread and so on.” This is psychological fear that is based upon the future, but we are living in the present and that causes an anxiety gap. Tolle continues, stating, “You can always cope with the present moment, but you cannot cope with something that is only a mind projection—that is, the future.” #What are you afraid of right NOW? How about NOW? We always have a choice on where we direct our minds. Let’s keep it focused upon NOW and stop fear in its tracks.

Sacred Earth Science helps environmental leaders avoid burnout by teaching them tools and techniques that transform the way they do their vital work. Our tools and techniques integrate eastern, western and indigenous science and we support growth through our Next Level Coaching.

