How to Start Your Day with a Bang!

Apr 30, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang On Just a Minute! Series

How to Start Your Day with a Bang!

Every day we wake up, we have a blank slate. What is that you want to have happen today? Success is not a one-size-fits-all picture. It’s a personal journey that starts fresh every day. The secret? Visualization. Take a moment to envision your ideal day. Who will you meet? What goals will you achieve? How will you overcome challenges? Imagine every detail vividly, from the triumphant meetings to the satisfying completion of tasks and let this vision fill you with positive anticipation. Do your best to FEEL how you will feel during the day you’ve just created in your mind.

To bring this vision to life, here's a simple yet powerful method inspired by Mary Morrissey, a renowned expert and author in personal development. She teaches the Five Fingers Technique—a reminder of your promise to yourself to ensure that your day will match your vison.

Using the 5 fingers on your dominant hand and keeping in mind your visualization for your day, start with your thumb:

  • Thumbs up for the day. (Thumb) Start with a positive affirmation. Your thumb, strong and steady, symbolizes your ability to support and uplift your ambitions.
  • Point in the direction you want to go. (Pointer finger). Let your pointer finger guide you. Direct your actions intentionally towards your goals, just as you would point towards a destination on a map.
  • Flip fear in the face. (Thumb and middle finger). Combine your thumb and middle finger to flick away fears and doubts. This gesture is a bold reminder that you have the power to conquer any anxieties that arise.
  • March forth. (Salute with all four fingers). Rally your forces like a salute. Use all four fingers to commit to moving forward, no matter the obstacles.
  • Remember to celebrate the little things. (Use all five fingers to wave enthusiastically). Finally, wave with all five fingers to acknowledge your daily victories, no matter how small. This celebration keeps your spirits high and your motivation strong.

 Sacred Earth Science helps eco-innovators master conscious leadership skills by learning and applying innovative tools and techniques so they can manage demanding workloads, reduce stress, boost their productivity, and achieve work-life balance. Our specialized trainings and Next Level Coaching integrate eastern, western and indigenous science and help clients transform the way they work.
