How to See Clearly

Feb 28, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Leaders

BAM! How to See Clearly

The ancient philosopher, Patanjali, once stated that having a greater purpose and an extraordinary project can unleash one’s thoughts and consciousness, allowing them to stay focused on their task despite their fears. As an environmental leader, you are also called to a higher purpose. Wayne Dyer, a renowned author and spiritual leader, suggested in his final book, I Can See Clearly Now, that we should view every aspect of our life as an opportunity to gain clarity. He believed that we always have choices when faced with opportunities and there are teachings and teachers in every moment. According to Dyer, there is always a plan at work, even if we cannot see it immediately. Therefore, we should examine our lives and consider what events had to occur in order for us to change our direction.


#What events brought you to the work you are doing today?


Sacred Earth Science helps environmental leaders avoid burnout by teaching them tools and techniques that transform the way they do their vital work.

