How to Recognize Miracles All Around You. A story about my little Luna Mae.

Mar 22, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Leaders

Bam! How to Recognize Miracles All Around You. A story about my little Luna Mae.

Growing up, I eagerly awaited the monthly edition of Reader’s Digest, so I could read the featured True Story. While the plot was often painful, the ending was always stunning because it resulted in a miracle. Did you believe in miracles as you were growing up? Did any happen to you? Or did you believe they only happened to other people?

During my blog about gratitude, we discussed the importance of having an attitude of gratitude because it opens our eyes to the amazing things in our lives. This focused or intentional vision allows us to spot the miracles around us. But what exactly is a miracle? Merriam-Webster defines it as “an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs.” I beg to differ. It does not need to be extraordinary. It can be something small, like finding your favorite pen that has been missing for a long time or something big, like a long-lost childhood friend contacting you out-of-the-blue. For me, it was the many small miracles that helped me save my little dog, Luna Mae, who was recently diagnosed with a fatal kidney disease.

When a miracle happens to you, it is important to write it down before you forget it. Keep a list handy and add to it every time you experience something miraculous. As you look at your growing list, you will be astonished to find out how many miracles have occurred in your life–and that they are happening around you perpetually. Life is lived moment-to-moment. So be present in each moment. Breathe in possibility and breathe out doubt. Now, see your life with new eyes–it’s the view from your soul.

#What miracle do you recall happened to you in the last year? How about last week?

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