Listening Deeply to Your Body

Mar 20, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

 Listening Deeply to Your Body

Our mind and body’s interconnectedness significantly impacts our quality of life. Sensations and symptoms are the body's way of signaling to the mind about imbalances or threats, making us aware of them so that we can choose how to respond. If we ignore the signals, they will get louder. We may not realize how our thoughts are affecting our emotions until our body responds with an ache or acute pain.

 Here is an exercise to help you tune into your body.

  • Sit quietly with your eyes closed. Take a few deep breaths in through your nose out through your mouth, relaxing your body.
  • Notice any place in your body where you feel discomfort or tension. Don't try to do anything about it, just notice it.
  • Ask that part of your body what it needs to feel better. Really listen to what it has to say.
  • Maybe it needs for you to take a walk. Maybe it needs for you to get up and move away from your desk for a few moments. Maybe it needs water or is hungry for a particular food.
  • Keep listening. When you feel you have listened deeply to what your body has to say, thank your body for communicating with you.
  • Then, consider doing what your body asked you to do.

 Source: Marci Shimoff



Sacred Earth Science helps environmental leaders master leadership skills by learning and applying innovative tools and techniques to manage demanding workloads, reduce stress, boost their productivity, and achieve work-life balance. Our specialized training and Next Level Coaching help clients transform the way they work.