How to Listen to the News

May 03, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental LeadersHang On a Minute! Series

How to Listen to the News

Listening to the news during turbulent times can be particularly challenging, given the constant barrage of information, much of which may be distressing. At a recent Year of Miracles presentation, Dr. Jean Houston, a prolific author, consultant for the United Nations and advisor to leaders throughout the world, gave this advice: “Only turn on the news when you are in a state of great compassion and when you are very strong. Start with a blessing on all who are involved.” #Did you expect this advice? Normally, recommendations would be that you choose reliable news sources; schedule your news intake and limit its duration; engage in critical thinking; stay informed and not overwhelmed and be mindful of your mental health. All of this is good advice, certainly. Yet, Dr. Houston takes it one step further—she talks about first tuning into your powers, such as intuition, love etc. and feel them as a way of grounding yourself . Then, when you are feeling strong and in a state of great compassion, say a blessing to all who are involved and then turn on the news.  Being in a state of compassion ensures that individuals or groups are not reduced to stereotypes or statistics but are seen in their full humanity. It lays the foundation for healing and hope, both for you and for the world.


Sacred Earth Science helps eco-innovators master conscious leadership skills by learning and applying innovative tools and techniques so they can manage demanding workloads, reduce stress, boost their productivity, and achieve work-life balance. Our specialized trainings and Next Level Coaching integrate eastern, western and indigenous science and help clients transform the way they work.