How to Have No Regrets

Dec 19, 2023

Stress Busters for Eco-Innovators

How to Have No Regrets

Time flies. It really is true. Some days, you may have planned to do one thing and then you never get to it. Why is that? Yes, of course, sometimes life gets in the way, but most of the time, it is probably because we really have not committed to our goals. What is it that you want to accomplish today at work? This week? In your life? It is important to make them real and you can start this by writing them down. Each day, write down the small steps that you can take in the direction of those goals. Track your progress, continue to move ahead towards those goals. Following goals helps you focus your efforts and prioritize your tasks and provides a standard against which you can measure your progress and evaluate your performance. When you keep your eye on the prize and continue to work towards meeting your goals, you will have fewer regrets.


Sacred Earth Science helps environmental leaders avoid burnout by teaching them tools and techniques that transform the way they do their vital work. Our tools and techniques integrate eastern, western and indigenous science and we support growth through our Next Level Coaching.