How to Have a Great Week!

Oct 16, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Stewards

How to Have a Great Week!

Are you living your day with authenticity or just going through the motions? By being intentional, you can fully enjoy your day. Before you start your day, take a few minutes to reflect on your schedule, the people you will meet and the outcomes you hope to achieve. Consider the projects you will be working on and the impact you want to have. Visualize yourself succeeding in these tasks and feel the satisfaction that comes with accomplishment. When you act on these feelings you will be acting from a place of wisdom and purpose.

#What are your intentions for your work week?


Sacred Earth Science helps environmental stewards master conscious leadership skills by learning and applying innovative tools and techniques so they can manage demanding workloads, reduce stress, boost their productivity, and achieve work-life balance. Our specialized trainings and Next Level Coaching integrate eastern, western and indigenous science and help clients transform the way they work.