How to Forgive Yourself

Oct 09, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Stewards

How to Forgive Yourself

It's common to reflect on the past and focus on our mistakes, regrets, and feelings of guilt or shame. However, if we step back and look at the bigger picture of our lives, we'll see that these negative experiences are just a small part of a much larger journey of self-discovery and personal growth. While it's important to love and forgive others, we must also learn to love ourselves unconditionally before we can extend that same love to others. Rather than criticizing ourselves for past mistakes, we could approach our memories with compassion and love, recognizing that each step along the way has contributed to who we are today. When we feel our energy levels dropping because of difficult memories, we can take a moment to place a hand over our heart, breathe deeply, and send loving thoughts to yourself. By practicing self-love, kindness and forgiveness, we are giving ourselves the most important gift of all-- one that will give back to us in countless ways.


Sacred Earth Science helps environmental stewards master conscious leadership skills by learning and applying innovative tools and techniques so they can manage demanding workloads, reduce stress, boost their productivity, and achieve work-life balance. Our specialized trainings and Next Level Coaching integrate eastern, western and indigenous science and help clients transform the way they work.