How to Challenge Your Perceptions

Nov 08, 2023

Stress Busters for Environmental Stewards

How to Challenge Your Perceptions

In yesterday’s blog, I explained why we should not believe everything we think because the thoughts may not be true. We are powerful creators, and our mind plays a key role in our reality. In the vast landscape of human experience, few powers are as formidable and transformative as the power of perception. It is the lens through which we view people, events, and the world at large. Dr. Wayne Dyer, a self-development expert and prolific author said, “Change the way you look at things…and the things you look at, change.” He gave an example in his own life where he recounted how he hated holidays because he did not enjoy his wife’s relatives. He thought they were small-minded and boring. As a result, he often suffered during those get togethers. Then, he decided to “change the way he looked at them.” When he did that, he noticed they were quite interesting after all, and they had more in common than he believed. When he treated them differently, with more appreciation, they responded in kind. #How could this work for you? Think about someone you work with that drives you crazy. First, list the irritants. Begin by noting down every frustrating trait. For the next three days, actively look for qualities that may surprise you, you just might appreciate and write them down. Look at your list every night and add to it, if so moved. After three days, evaluate your feelings and thoughts. Ask yourself, “Do I have the same opinion of this person that I had three days ago? If not, what changed?” I will bet you found quite a bit to like about this person and if you are treating him/her/they better, they probably are treating you better, as well.  When we shift our view, the dynamics of our relationships often follow suit.

Sacred Earth Science helps environmental stewards master conscious leadership skills by learning and applying innovative tools and techniques so they can manage demanding workloads, reduce stress, boost their productivity, and achieve work-life balance. Our specialized trainings and Next Level Coaching integrate eastern, western and indigenous science and help clients transform the way they work.