Stuck in a Rut? Reset Your Mood in a Minute!

May 13, 2024

Sustainable Practices for Environmental Leaders

Hang On a Minute! Series

Stuck in a Rut? Reset Your Mood in a Minute

We all have them. You may start out the day with the blahs or maybe you start out and hit the ground running. But sometime during the day, you find that you are lagging and hopping from one thing to another to help you feel better. You may reach for: the TV remote; your phone to check texts or e-mails or a bag of Cheetos. But, after you do that, you find you are still out-of-sorts and yes, maybe even a little depressed.

The good news is that you are AWARE of your emotions. You know that something is not quite right. You also are conflicted on what it will take to help you feel better. But, you want to change the way you are feeling–you want to TAKE ACTION. CONGRATULATIONS! But what is the right action to take?

There is something you can do that you have access to right now…and it’s easy. Stay with me. It is BREATHING. It’s not simply what you are doing while you are reading this, it is more intentional than that. What you need to do is slow down those out-of-control thoughts running circles around in your head. There is no better way to do it than by controlling your breath. When your mind is focused upon Intentional Breathing, it cannot think of anything else. When you are doing Intentional Breathing, you are also grounding your energy (and we are full of energy)!

Here is an easy exercise for you. It is called Straw Breathing:

Pretend you are breathing through a straw:

  • Inhale through the straw for 6 breaths
  • Pause
  • Exhale out through the straw for 6 breaths.

Continue doing this until you feel peaceful or grounded.

Intentional breathing

Sacred Earth Science helps environmental stewards master conscious leadership skills by learning and applying innovative tools and techniques so they can manage demanding workloads, reduce stress, boost their productivity, and achieve work-life balance. Our specialized trainings and Next Level Coaching integrate eastern, western and indigenous science and help clients transform the way they work.