Got Water?

Dec 16, 2022

Got Water?

At Sacred Earth Science, we help environmental professionals become the transformational leaders that are so needed during this time of environmental crisis. Weekly, we will share new stories that highlight the work of transformational environmental leaders. This week, an article appeared in Anthropocene, an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal, that features a way of capturing water vapor that rises from oceanic waters warmed by the sun with the goal of helping meet the rising demand for safe, potable water for people around the globe. The researchers from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champagne stated that other technology considered currently to increase water supply, such as desalination, cloud seeding and wastewater recycling, have had limited success. They evaluated “14 water-stressed locations across the globe” where this new technology hypothetically has the potential to provide potable water.  What do you think about this approach? What other ideas do you believe should be considered?


