Facing the Hive: How to Go from Victim to Victor

Dec 13, 2023

Stress Busters for Eco-Innovators

Facing the Hive: How to Go from Victim to Victor

As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life.” Just recently, I was stung by at least 9 wasps and my painful allergic reaction lingered for days. For a short time afterwards, I let myself be a victim. I was reluctant to go outside, fearing that a hive could be hidden anywhere I walked. When I felt surer of myself, I cautiously approached where I thought the hive was. The information I gained then allowed me to choose—to either avoid it or to deal with it directly. I chose to be a victor.

Fear presents us with choices: it can hinder us, guide us, or motivate us to a new course of action. Succumbing to fear can lead to procrastination, indecision, and even burnout.

However, fear can also be a tool for personal growth and achievement. Your mindset is the game changer: if you believe you can or believe you can't, you're right. True success isn't about eradicating fear but persevering despite it. I now walk my route freely. I am just more aware of where I plant my feet!

#What fear do you have that stops you from doing what you want to do at work?

Sacred Earth Science helps Eco-Innovators avoid burnout by teaching them tools and techniques that transform the way they do their vital work. Our tools and techniques integrate eastern, western and indigenous science and we support growth through our Next Level Coaching.


