Choose Your Words Carefully

Dec 07, 2023

Stress Busters for Eco-Innovators

Choose Your Words Carefully

Words have energy and they can either uplift or tear down individuals. As motivational speaker Tony Robbins points out, great leaders and thinkers throughout history have harnessed the power of words to transform emotions, rally support for causes, and shape destiny.

The idea that words have energy is not just a metaphorical one. Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto conducted experiments demonstrating that thoughts, words, and feelings can influence the molecular structure of water. When directed at water molecules, concentrated thoughts produce symmetrical patterns, while negative thoughts result in asymmetrical and chaotic patterns. Given that the human body is made-up of approximately 60 to 70% water, negative words and thoughts have the same impact on the water in our bodies that Emoto observed in his laboratory. Those words and thoughts can cause damage in the body.

Because of this relationship, it is important to choose our words carefully, especially when it comes to how we speak to ourselves. The words we choose shape our self-image and our outlook on life. The most valuable worlds in the world are the ones we direct towards ourselves. We must consciously choose positive, loving words to curate symmetrical patterns in the water within us and cultivate a healthy mind-body connection.  

#How do you speak to yourself? Take time to write down your thoughts over the next 3 days and then review your list. Are you treating yourself with love or ????

 Sacred Earth Science helps eco-innovators master leadership skills by learning and applying innovative tools and techniques to manage demanding workloads, reduce stress, boost their productivity, and achieve work-life balance. SES’ specialized trainings and Next Level Coaching integrate eastern, western and indigenous science and help clients transform the way they work. 
