Acceptance is Key to Happiness

Feb 21, 2024

Stress Busters for Environmental Stewards

Acceptance is Key to Happiness

A little over a year ago, I revealed that my beloved 5-year old Terrier mix, Luna Mae, was diagnosed with kidney failure—protein losing naturopathy (PLN), specifically. The news was devastating to me and for a few months, my vet had little hope for her recovery, even though she was a relatively young dog and had been healthy. I have been blessed to have had dozens of animal companions in my life from many different species and I have loved each of them deeply—even the cantankerous ones, like Butch, my African Pygmy Goat! Each time, losing one to illness or accident, I lost a little bit of my heart. The odds were not looking good for Luna Mae. With the help of a PLN Facebook community, a nutritional vet and a local vet, the good news is that she is doing well, with a few bumps in the road every couple of weeks. Recently, I found that when I took her for a walk, I was becoming more anxious—is she okay, or would she suffer a setback? I realized that those thoughts were weighing heavily on me and I didn’t enjoy our walks as much anymore.  I had to stop that way of thinking, which was based upon fear that was created by me. I was causing my suffering. Embracing life with all of its joys and sorrow, successes and failures, fosters a resilient and contented state of being. I choose that. Instead of getting trapped by wanting things to be different, acceptance allows us to find joy in the present moment. And so, right now, I am happy that Luna Mae is in my life and that I get to witness her beingness, in whatever form it takes. Like Eckert Tolle said, “Now is all we have—it is all we have ever had.” And so it is.


Sacred Earth Science helps environmental stewards master conscious leadership skills by learning and applying innovative tools and techniques so they can manage demanding workloads, reduce stress, boost their productivity, and achieve work-life balance. Our specialized trainings and Next Level Coaching integrate eastern, western and indigenous science and help clients transform the way they work.