A New Year's Intention

Jan 05, 2022
 I am sure we’ve all exhausted our interest in New Year’s resolutions by now. Experts say that our commitment to them usually lasts about 36 days. This year, here’s a commitment that is easy to do and can last a lifetime. It is to be mindful. Thich Nhat Hahn, a Buddhist monk who wrote extensively on the topic stated, “Mindfulness is the miracle by which we can call back our dispersed mind and restore it to wholeness.” It allows us to be present in each minute of life. It focuses our attention on the present moment—which is all we ever really have. The past is in our rearview mirror, the future is not here yet. Here’s how easy it is to be mindful--when walking, be conscious that you are walking. When sitting, be conscious that you are sitting. When lying down, be conscious that you are lying down. 

Be in direct and constant mindfulness of what you are doing in every moment and you will be rewarded with clarity, alertness and peace.