A Life By Choice

Sep 15, 2022

The life that we live is based upon how we think. Scientists tell us that there are neuropathways created in our brains that are the results of our beliefs. They also tell us that we have 60,000 thoughts a day and most of them are negative. If you want to change your life, you need to change the way you think. Rather than allowing your thoughts to be on autopilot, catch the thoughts that you are thinking, whenever possible. Observe them. If you don’t want that thought to go down your neuropathway, catch it and replace it with a different thought. If you are in the company of someone who is being negative (an energy vampire), you don’t have to mirror that energy. You can notice it and respond with a positive comment, such as, “Well, you know, the great thing about that is…” Keep responding that way and it’s probable that the negative person will leave and find someone else to bring down. It’s your life. Create a masterpiece.
